


2010 11 24 ﹐給

﹐有 ﹐請 lewis@lusignangroup.com ﹐本

2010 12 3

It is with a heavy heart that we must regretfully inform you that our beloved Sifu Ted Wong passed away on November 24, 2010.  His family asks that you respect their privacy during this time of mourning.

The family is amenable to a public memorial event for Sifu Ted Wong later.  More details to follow. In the mean time, if you want to send in any words of comfort, please email to lewis@lusignangroup.com and we will direct the same for you to his family.

In the spirit of Ted Wong Jeet Kune Do !

Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do (Hong Kong) Ltd

3 December 2010


      黃錦銘師傅在師祖離世後,一肩擔起傳承師祖截拳道技術的使命,十多年來奔走於世界各地戮力弘揚師祖的技藝,幸因師傅對師祖所留傳技藝始終如一的忠實精神,以及將所學公開傳授的無私善舉,師祖的截拳道在今時今日才得以被確實地保存延續下來。如今得知  黃錦銘師傅赴往他界的消息後,推廣部眾人亦感同悲與不捨,謹祈求師傅在天之靈早日安息,並祝願黃錦銘截拳道精神長存。


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